Coca-Cola case de sucesso

Turn-key Water Treatment and Distribution System


  • Turn-key Water Treatment and Distribution System

Other projects carried out within the Coca-Cola group

FEMSA Maringá/PR

Turn-key CIP water recovery system

FEMSA Porto Alegre/RS

Turn-key CIP water recovery system

FEMSA Santa Maria/RS

Electromechanical assembly CIP and UF

Solar Simões Filho/BA

UF and Central CIP assembly

Solar Maceió/AL

Ozonation System and Central CIP for the mineral water plant

Solar Suape/PE

Turn-key project for a new WTP, Central CIP, and water distribution lines for the process

Leão Alimentos

Assembly of process lines and utilities for Food Service and adaptation of pumps and castle lines

Solar Maracanau/CE

Turn-key system for a new WTP, Central CIP, and distribution lines for the process


Assembly of various systems related to Central CIP, utilities, and processes


Assembly of a new plant in the unit

FEMSA Itabirito/MG

Complete assembly of a new unit

Ardenghi Engenharia

By Emerson A. Tieppo Jr.

Ardenghi Engenharia Industrial © Rights reserved